Category: Site News

  • Used / Refurbished GPUs – Quality & Testing

    We have had a number of customers ask about the quality of our used & refurbished GPUs so I wanted to recap what we offer for hardware on the site, and across Bitworks sales channels (Newegg, Amazon, eBay). The bulk of our hardware offerings are New in Box, everything is acquired direct from the factory…

  • Just starting to populate inventory

    Bitworks uses a combination of warehouses to deliver product, with a majority of the small shipments fulfilled via a third party 3PL provider. We enabled the new stock this week initially, however we will be enabling the rest of our stock, with at the moment is approximately 800 GPUs, with more arriving weekly.

  • New Site Launch!

    Bitworks has continued operations since the initial launch of the old website, which focused on selling Bitworks GPU Miners… I know it was probably hard to tell if looking at the website, since there have not been any updates for quite some time… Anyway we are still here, and are back to doing some direct…